产品产商:索尔维(SOLVAY) 产品产地:进口/中国 产品类别:Amodel PPA 产品型号:Amodel ET-1000 HS 产品规格:25KG/包 产品特性:冲击改性,低翘曲性,耐化学性良好,热水可成型性,热稳定性,延展性
Amodel® ET-1000 HS
Natural: ET-1000 HS NT
RoHS 合规
If the wall is thick, lower temperatures may be used to prevent ejector pin problems.
Amodel® compounds are shipped in moisture-resistant packages at moisture levels according to specifications. Sealed, undamaged bags should be preferably stored in a dry room at a maximum temperature of 50°C (122°F) and should be protected from possible damage. If only a portion of a package is used, the remaining material should be transferred into a sealable container. It is recommended that Amodel® resins be dried prior to molding following the recommendations found in this datasheet and/or in the Amodel® processing guide.
上海朗祺塑胶原料有限公司 沪ICP备12022668号 公安机关备案号:31011202003696