RTP EMI 2162
Stainless Steel Fiber - Electrically Conductive - EMI/RFI/ESD Protection
填料/增强材料 | |
特性 | - 导电、电磁屏蔽 (EMI)、静电放电保护、射频屏蔽 (RFI)
RoHS 合规性 | |
加工方法 | |
密度 / 比重 | 1.42 |
| ASTM D792 |
收缩率 - 流动 (0.126 in) | 5.0E-3 到 8.0E-3 | in/in | ASTM D955 |
含水量 | 0.040 | % |
拉伸模量 | 570000 | psi | ASTM D638 |
抗张强度 | 16500 | psi | ASTM D638 |
伸长率 (屈服) | 4.0 到 6.0 | % | ASTM D638 |
弯曲模量 | 700000 | psi | ASTM D790 |
弯曲强度 | 28000 | psi | ASTM D790 |
悬壁梁缺口冲击强度 (0.126 in) | 0.80 | ft·lb/in | ASTM D256 |
无缺口悬臂梁冲击 (0.126 in) | 8.2 | ft·lb/in | ASTM D4812 |
载荷下热变形温度 (264 psi, 未退火) | 390 | °F | ASTM D648 |
表面电阻率 |
-- | < 1.0E+5 | ohms | ESD STM11.11 |
-- | < 1.0E+6 | ohms | ASTM D257 |
体积电阻率 | < 0.0 | ohms·cm | ASTM D257 |
Static Decay 1 | < 2.0 | sec | FTMS 101C 4046.1 |
UL 阻燃等级 (0.06 in, ** Values per RTP Company testing.) | V-0 |
| UL 94 |
干燥温度 | 300 | °F |
干燥时间 | 4.0 | hr |
Dew Point | -20 | °F |
加工(熔体)温度 | 670 到 750 | °F |
模具温度 | 275 到 350 | °F |
注塑压力 | 12000 到 18000 | psi |
Use a reverse barrel profile. Remove hopper magnets. Allow 4 - 5 shots to properly disperse the conductive fibers. The surface finish should have a silver streaking appearance, not clumps. Remove hopper magnets. Desiccant Type Dryer Required. |
1MIL-PRF-81705D, 5kV to 50 V, 12% RH |